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Rivers, mountain stars, zodiacal light and the Milky Way on a beautiful blue night in New

Dating Made Easy

Beautiful sunset with a rainbow and sun rays.jpg

Septītās debesis sasniedzamas


ir visplašākā,

uz astroloģiski balstīta iepazīšanās lietotne

kas izmanto

ājurvēdas pircēju tehnika

lai palīdzētu jums izveidot savienojumu

ar saderīgu partneri.

Pamatojoties uz gadsimtiem senām metodoloģijām,


ļauj izmantot mūžīgo Visuma inteliģenci


pazīmes un iezīmes, kas vislabāk atbalsta jūsējo.


Atrodiet savu spēli, kas radīta debesīs.

Padariet to pēdējouz visiem laikiem!



Find your soulmate

Lai labāk


pie sirds iekarošanas, tips 

par to, kā rīkoties

 vai ko darīt

 izvairieties par katru cenu

ir iekļauti.

How does ayurveda work?

Ayurveda uses the system of doshas.

Unique combinations of the various doshic features exist, and the careful analysis of each individual's constitutional type is an excellent basis for judging whether a pair is compatible.
Red flags can be raised from the start.


Take the Vata type for example.

A Vata person can be extremely talkative, so it is very unlikely that two such types can coexist in harmony.
Pitta types are sometimes quick to anger and Kapha types can be possessive.
Two people with similar traits, living together is clearly a recipe for trouble.
In general, active mixed with passive produces

a better match.

In case a match has been found,

the balance of these energies will be described

in a generated report.

Aditionally a heart rating will be used to rate various zodiac traits like loyalty or stubbornness.

Rivers, mountain stars, zodiacal light and the Milky Way on a beautiful blue night in New

Pārvelciet profilus ar zodiaka iezīmes 

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